
Xhondo game of thrones
Xhondo game of thrones

xhondo game of thrones

"The air around it was shimmering, the way it does above a hot brazier." But as they were crossing the yard, he said, "I felt no heat. Maester Aemon was lost in thought as Sam helped him down the narrow turnpike stair. Your brothers will chose a Lord Commander tonight, or I shall make them wish they had." When King Stannis sheathed the shining sword, the room seemed to grow very dark, despite the sunlight streaming through the window. So lovely to behold." The old man bowed stiffly. There are no flames, but the steel is yellow and red and orange, all flashing and glimmering, like sunshine on water, but prettier. "Tell me, Samwell." Maester Aemon touched his arm. Steel scraped against wood and leather, and radiance filled the solar shimmering, shifting, a dance of gold and orange and red light, all the bright colors of fire. He took the belt down and drew the longsword out. "Everyone else has seen the thing, why not a blind man?" His swordbelt and scabbard hung from a peg near the hearth. "You want to see Lightbringer? A blind man?" "Your Grace," he said, "before we go, I wonder if you would do us the great honor of showing us this wondrous blade we have all heard so very much of." The red comet blazed across the sky to herald his coming, and he bears Lightbringer, the red sword of heroes." Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai come again, the warrior of fire. "He stands before you," Melisandre declared, "though you do not have the eyes to see. But where is the prince that was promised?" But all of them seemed surprised to hear Maester Aemon murmur, "It is the war for the dawn you speak of, my lady. Bowen Marsh and Othell Yarwyck exchanged a doubtful look, Janos Slynt was fuming, and Three-Finger Hobb looked as though he would sooner be back chopping carrots. The officers did not know how to take that, Sam could see. Ours is a war for life itself, and should we fail the world dies with us." Make no mistake, good sers and valiant brothers, the war we've come to fight is no petty squabble over lands and honors. "Swords alone cannot hold this darkness back. "You are." The woman rose in a swirl of scarlet silk, her long copper-bright hair tumbling about her shoulders.

Xhondo game of thrones